Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ethical manufacturing

Many of us would have been made aware of some shocking treatment textile workers in countries like Banglandesh. At Solz we dont have a problem with manufacturing taking place in developing countries, we acknowledge that it can be beneficial to all involved. What isn't okay is the unethical practices that are sanctioned or even demanded by large companies. If you can buy a pair of slippers at Kmart , Coles or target for $5 you really need to ask the question: who has suffered in making this possible? The answer is likely to a textile worker in Banglandesh, who if paid fairly would have the opportunity to improve their life.
Food for thought, huh! 
 We are all about ethical and Eco-friendly design here at Solz
We understand that it is necessary to have clothing and other Products made in developing countries and that it can be advantageous to both parties. But let's look at the options and I force ethical standards

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