Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Friends Christmas Offer

We are offering a $5 discount on new orders of Solz slippers online. This offer applies to all colours and styles.
We are feeling generous and as we were sending out our Christmas Solz offer to our existing subscribers  we thought we'd offer a little enticement to new shoppers as well. We know that sometimes a little sweetener can make a difference. So take a chance on Solz slippers, your feet will love you for it.

To receive the discount just enter the code friend when ordering online.



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Be Happy in Solz Anywhere

Nothing like chilling out in your Solz Slippers. I love this picture, she looks so realxed. How nice to be lying in a patch on sun in your slippers.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Change Over Time

Well spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere - its time for me to swap my warm Merino Solz for the lighter Cotton Solz. Before I put my merino slippers away for the summer I have hand washed them in a gentle wool wash to bring them back to life ready for next winter.I still love wearing my Solz in the Spring and Summer - they keep my house and my feet clean.
Here they are drying in the sun.
Simple steps like this will help to keep your Solz slippers in good condition for longer!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Simplify for happiness

You may noticed that here at Solz we like to keep things simple - I think the design of our slippers illustrates that.
So here are a few ideas to think about if you are looking to simplify your life - try them they really can help.
I'm really into being mindful - when I remember that is
So slip on some Solz and simplify

  1. Calm the watersTake it nice and slow. Anything is doable when you break it down into tiny steps. Try not to overwhelm yourself by looking too far ahead. You don’t need to do everything right now. Slow yourself down and do one thing at a time.
  2. Sift through the sandTry not to think so much. Our mind likes to run rampant, creating negative stories about every little thing. Be aware of your random thoughts. Manage the mind chatter by sifting out those thoughts that cause you worry and suffering.
  3. Nurture your palm treeConnect with your heart. Listen to your innermost needs and desires – the simple things that bring you joy. Let some of the more complex, stress inducing activities go. Be fully present and intimately engaged with everything you do.
  4. Harness the windsPromote balance and harmony. Accept that life isn’t always fair or the way we want it to be. Be gentle with yourself. Be honest, respectful and compassionate with others. Don’t sweat the little things . . . or the big things. Celebrate life as it comes.
  5. Let your light shineDon’t just live on the surface, barely aware of what’s going on around and inside of you. Live deliberately – awake and alive. Consciously choose to notice and appreciate the beauty all around you. Fully experience one moment at a time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are loved at babyology

Solz got another great review from popular kids blog babyology - this time for our kids range of Solz slippers 


The super snuggly House Shoes come in sizes to fit kids aged from three to eight, and they look so comfortable I’d like a pair myself. Their foam sole means they’re easily squished up to take anywhere and their stretchy cotton finish makes them comfortable even if little feet have a growth spurt! You can get your kids’ feet into a pair for $34.95.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ethical manufacturing

Many of us would have been made aware of some shocking treatment textile workers in countries like Banglandesh. At Solz we dont have a problem with manufacturing taking place in developing countries, we acknowledge that it can be beneficial to all involved. What isn't okay is the unethical practices that are sanctioned or even demanded by large companies. If you can buy a pair of slippers at Kmart , Coles or target for $5 you really need to ask the question: who has suffered in making this possible? The answer is likely to a textile worker in Banglandesh, who if paid fairly would have the opportunity to improve their life.
Food for thought, huh! 
 We are all about ethical and Eco-friendly design here at Solz
We understand that it is necessary to have clothing and other Products made in developing countries and that it can be advantageous to both parties. But let's look at the options and I force ethical standards


Monday, June 24, 2013

The winter chill is here ....

...... And people are snapping up Merino Solz, loved for their extra warmth but same comfort and lightweight properties of regular Solz, Merino are perfect for this time of year.
We love to sweeten the deal here at Solz so are offering a $10 discount on purchases of Merino Solz until the end of July.
Here's what you gotta do:
1. Go to our facebook page and like us. - here's the link https://www.facebook.com/SolzHouseShoes
2. Find our post detailing our merino offer and the necessary discount code
3. Go to our website   And make your order. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Merino - what's all the fuss about?

Many people now have at least one clothing item made from Merino fibre, whether it be socks, tops or if you are lucky a pair of Solz slippers. Along with my Solz I have a cople of long sleeve tops to keep me warm in winter. So why Merino? Number one it is a natural fibre coming from the back of the merino breed of sheep known for the quality of their wool. Fibre technology has allowed this wool to be transformed into a lightweight but breathable fabric that when blended with spandex gives it great stretch capabilities. It's a washable fibre! We recommend hand washing of merino Solz, but they can be thrown in the washing machine.

    Wool from this Ram gets turned to the Solz below

Monday, June 10, 2013

Shipping Solz Worldwide

At Solz getting our product out to as many people as possible is our goal. That's why we have great Solz shipping rates maximising the convenience and lessening the sting of online shopping.
In fact we ship free to anywhere in Australia and have a starting rate of $5 for worldwide shipping via Australia Post. Great value and no need to leave home to do your shopping. I know which I prefer.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A few things to know about Solz

Here at Solz we know that there is not one slipper that can suit everyone, some people are just diehard ugg fans or love a chunky slipper. If you are one of those people looking for a more elegant solution we can help.
Solz are all about comfort combined with a lightweight approach to keeping your feet warm and clean. So definitely not chunky, but can you throw your chunky slippers in your carry on luggage when travelling? Can you throw those same slippers in the wash to revive them, making them as good as new?
That's what Solz can do - a fine alternative don't you think?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

8 Things to Make Your Life Better - NOW

A few things to contemplate while relaxing in your Solz slippers

1. Listen to “The Circle Of Life.” Seriously, it’s like a musical version of caffeine. Once that naaaaaaaaaaaa sevenyaaa hits, you’re awake, you’re refreshed, you’re alive. This song makes a great alarm if you want to wake up feeling amazing every morning – just be prepared to have the “pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom” part stuck in your head all day. Actually not sure about this one

2. Stop answering the calls you don’t want to answer, replying to texts you don’t want to reply to, and saying yes to the invites you don’t want to attend. It may be hard to say “no thanks” or ignore a person, but if you feel the urge to, there’s usually a reason for that… And even if you’re just being an antisocial homebodyncosy in your Solz, that’s your prerogative!

3. If someone you hang out with is content going nowhere in life and doing the things you guys did five years ago, don’t be hesitant to branch off solo. That doesn’t mean cut them off entirely or stop caring about their well-being – just make sure valuable time isn’t going to waste on unproductive tendencies.

4. Give any heartfelt compliments to people who you genuinely feel deserve ‘em. Tell them your really nice, deep down opinions of them – the stuff that you’d say if they passed away — but since you can actually relay those kind words to them today, take advantage of it.

5. Stop dedicating yourself to any significant changes that you’re ONLY making for the satisfaction of others.

6. If you’re at a job that you HATE, find a way out. Start applying other places so each day has the possibility of a callback and some change. And don’t just seek another job that you’d dread going to, but a place you’d feel happy to do work at. Obviously we can’t just quit if we want to have food, water and all that good stuff, but if you aren’t happy you certainly shouldn’t be content.

7. Do that thing you’ve always wanted to try (e.g. make a short film) but have been too scared, unconfident, self-conscious, etc. to attempt. Just decide — I’m going to give it a real shot and see how it goes.
8. Go get a workout in. It can be short or lengthy, but how many times have you EVER worked out and not felt better (mood-wise) afterward?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Solar Power the Way of the Future

Here at Solz we are all for sustainable energy, in fact we believe it is vitat for the protection of the planet. It its heart warning to hear that Austrailan home owners are leading the way. There are now over 4 million Australian homes creating there own solar energy.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Like us on Facebook

If you like what you see, like us on Facebook, that way you will be eligible to take advantage of special offers that are available to only our Facebbokers.


Heres is what one of our facebook followers has to say about her Solz

my favourite slippers. I am onto my second pair. comfy, washable, cute - what more could you want from a slipper - Susan Beaumont, go to our page or read testimonials from Solz wearers

and here is a pic sent in from a recent custoomer