Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Simplify for happiness

You may noticed that here at Solz we like to keep things simple - I think the design of our slippers illustrates that.
So here are a few ideas to think about if you are looking to simplify your life - try them they really can help.
I'm really into being mindful - when I remember that is
So slip on some Solz and simplify

  1. Calm the watersTake it nice and slow. Anything is doable when you break it down into tiny steps. Try not to overwhelm yourself by looking too far ahead. You don’t need to do everything right now. Slow yourself down and do one thing at a time.
  2. Sift through the sandTry not to think so much. Our mind likes to run rampant, creating negative stories about every little thing. Be aware of your random thoughts. Manage the mind chatter by sifting out those thoughts that cause you worry and suffering.
  3. Nurture your palm treeConnect with your heart. Listen to your innermost needs and desires – the simple things that bring you joy. Let some of the more complex, stress inducing activities go. Be fully present and intimately engaged with everything you do.
  4. Harness the windsPromote balance and harmony. Accept that life isn’t always fair or the way we want it to be. Be gentle with yourself. Be honest, respectful and compassionate with others. Don’t sweat the little things . . . or the big things. Celebrate life as it comes.
  5. Let your light shineDon’t just live on the surface, barely aware of what’s going on around and inside of you. Live deliberately – awake and alive. Consciously choose to notice and appreciate the beauty all around you. Fully experience one moment at a time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are loved at babyology

Solz got another great review from popular kids blog babyology - this time for our kids range of Solz slippers 


The super snuggly House Shoes come in sizes to fit kids aged from three to eight, and they look so comfortable I’d like a pair myself. Their foam sole means they’re easily squished up to take anywhere and their stretchy cotton finish makes them comfortable even if little feet have a growth spurt! You can get your kids’ feet into a pair for $34.95.