Wednesday, June 5, 2013

8 Things to Make Your Life Better - NOW

A few things to contemplate while relaxing in your Solz slippers

1. Listen to “The Circle Of Life.” Seriously, it’s like a musical version of caffeine. Once that naaaaaaaaaaaa sevenyaaa hits, you’re awake, you’re refreshed, you’re alive. This song makes a great alarm if you want to wake up feeling amazing every morning – just be prepared to have the “pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom” part stuck in your head all day. Actually not sure about this one

2. Stop answering the calls you don’t want to answer, replying to texts you don’t want to reply to, and saying yes to the invites you don’t want to attend. It may be hard to say “no thanks” or ignore a person, but if you feel the urge to, there’s usually a reason for that… And even if you’re just being an antisocial homebodyncosy in your Solz, that’s your prerogative!

3. If someone you hang out with is content going nowhere in life and doing the things you guys did five years ago, don’t be hesitant to branch off solo. That doesn’t mean cut them off entirely or stop caring about their well-being – just make sure valuable time isn’t going to waste on unproductive tendencies.

4. Give any heartfelt compliments to people who you genuinely feel deserve ‘em. Tell them your really nice, deep down opinions of them – the stuff that you’d say if they passed away — but since you can actually relay those kind words to them today, take advantage of it.

5. Stop dedicating yourself to any significant changes that you’re ONLY making for the satisfaction of others.

6. If you’re at a job that you HATE, find a way out. Start applying other places so each day has the possibility of a callback and some change. And don’t just seek another job that you’d dread going to, but a place you’d feel happy to do work at. Obviously we can’t just quit if we want to have food, water and all that good stuff, but if you aren’t happy you certainly shouldn’t be content.

7. Do that thing you’ve always wanted to try (e.g. make a short film) but have been too scared, unconfident, self-conscious, etc. to attempt. Just decide — I’m going to give it a real shot and see how it goes.
8. Go get a workout in. It can be short or lengthy, but how many times have you EVER worked out and not felt better (mood-wise) afterward?

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